This plugin requires at least WordPress 3.0


1. Video Tutorials

Installation –
Gallery Settings and Playlist –
Insert the shortcode in a page or post –
How To Automatically generate the gallery playlist by reading the folder which contains the images –


2. Manage Galleries

From this section you can:
- add a new gallery
- select the gallery you want to edit by clicking "Gallery Settings"
- add/edit playlist videos by clicking "Playlist"
- delete an existing gallery by clicking "Delete"


3. Gallery Settings

From this section you can define the video gallery settings.

Gallery Name The gallery name
Width The gallery width
Height The gallery height
Width 100 Percent Possible values:
true - the gallery will cover the entire width of the parent div
false - the gallery will have the width you've set for the above 'Width' parameter
Rows The gallery number of rows
Columns The gallery number of columns
Center The Gallery On Page Possible values:
true - the gallery will be centered
false - the playlist will be left aligned
Gutter The space between the rows and columns
Gallery Background Gallery background color (hexa)
Item Border Width The image border width
Item Border Color OFF The image border color (hexa), OFF state. You can also set it to 'transparent'.
Item Border Color ON The image border color (hexa), ON state. You can also set it to 'transparent'.
Show Image Description Possible values:
true - on mouse over the image title and description will appear (if defined)
false - on mouse over the image title and description will not appear (even if they are defined)
Image Description Bg Color The image title and description background color (hexa)
Image Description Bg Opacity The image title and description background color opacity
Image Description Text Color

The image title and description color (hexa)

Show Icon Over Image Possible values:
true - the icon indicating if the image has a link, YouTube video, Vimeo Video or a large image attached will appear on mouse over
false - the icon indicating if the image has a link, YouTube video, Vimeo Video or a large image attached will not appear on mouse over
Zoom Duration The time (in seconds) it takes for the image to zoom on mouse over.
Zoom Effect Easing The image zoom effect easing on mouse over.
Image Link Target Possible values:
_blank - The link associated with the image will be opened in a new window
_self - The link associated with the image will be opened in the same window
FaceBook AppID FaceBook AppID. Please check Facebook Share section, for more informations


4. Playlist

From this section you can define images for the gallery

Image The image
Image Horizontal Position Possible values:
left - The image horizontal position is left in the off state area
center - The image horizontal position is center in the off state area
right - The image horizontal position is right in the off state area
Image Vertical Position Possible values:
top - The image vertical position is top in the off state area
center - The image vertical position is center in the off state area
bottom - The image vertical position is bottom in the off state area
Image Title The image title
Image Description The image description
Lightbox Image / YouTube Video / Vimeo Video Enter an URL to the image (or upload the image file) or enter the YouTube video link or Vimeo video link. The large image or the video will be oepend in a lightbox window.
External Link for the image The external link attached for image


5. ShortCode

The shortcode is:
[lbg_famous_gallery settings_id='1']
settings_id is the gallery ID defined in "Manage Galleries" section - mandatory parameter

6. FaceBook Share

In order for the Facebook share button to work you need to obtain a Facebook Application ID

1. Go to the Facebook Developers Apps page and and sign in with your Facebook username and password.

2. Click the "Add a New App" button.

If you do not see the option to create a new app in the upper right hand corner, click on "Register as Developer."

3. After that you'll obtain an 'App ID', you'll paste it in FaceBook AppID parameter in Manage Galleries->Gallery Settings

4. Go to Settings->Basic tab (left area), select 'Website' and insert your website URL and fill all the other information. Below you have a demo screenshot. Of course, you'll use your own info.